3D Printing Center for Hobbyists: Fusion 360
Your learning has lost in space.

Concave and  Convex Shape in Fusion 360

Convex Shape  

For creating convex shape, first make cylinder. Create the offset plane and choose the plane. Extent the distance of the offset pane.

Extent the distance of the offset pane.

Create new sketch and select the offset plane. Create sketch point and click the center of the circle. Finish the sketch.
Create new sketch and select the offset plane

Finish the sketch

So now, you have a circle and a point. Connect them by clicking loft.
First, click the circle shape and then the point.
Connect them by clicking loft.

click ok. You got convex now.

convex shape in fusion 360

Concave Shape

To create concave, just extent the offset to inside the cylinder. The rest is the same as previous.

extent the offset to inside the cylinder
extent the offset to inside the cylinder

You got concave now.

concave Shape

modeling in fusion 360 using orthographic projection

Orthographic Projection

Is one way of drawings to demonstrate the 3D object from different view and direction. Usually, it shows from top, front and side view, so the viewer can comprehend that object looks like.

This is the 3rd exercise to create 3D Model in Fusion 360. I share how to make it. The credit source of this exercise is from Cadin360 Learning Tutorial written by Sachidanand Jha. I have the permission from the author to publish my tutorial from one of his exercise. The exercise always show 3 different views, which are top, front and side view.

Illustration of exercise #3

Instruction exercise#3


First thing to do is creating the sketch. You should consider which sketch should be done first. In this case, the top view is the first sketch that you should draw in Fusion 360.

Draw a rectangle by using line in sketch with dimension 100 x 60 mm.  Divide the rectangle into two parts, so you have two rectangles now. 

sketch in fusion 360


Extrude the sketch that you have made previously with distance of 20 mm and choose the operation of New Body.

Extrude the sketch

Extrude again with the distance of 40 mm. Because you already divide the rectangle into two parts, the 3D model became as shown in the image, for you extrude with different distances. After this step, you are finished building with top and side view.
Extrude again with the distance of 40 mm.

Sketching the Front View

Make another sketch with center diameter circle. Enter the diameter of 40 mm and made the second circle with diameter of 50 mm.
Sketching the Front View

Extrusion the Circle

Extrude the smaller circle (with diameter of 40 mm). Make the operation into "cut". By doing this, you have a hole with shape of circle.
Extrude the smaller circle

When extruding, make sure the distance is 20 mm. 
extruding, make sure the distance is 20 mm

Click ok. You are finished modeling.
finished modeling

Rendering the Model

To make the model look interesting, you can add some texture by clicking the rendering button. Choose the material that you desired. In my image, I choose pine wood texture.
Finished 3d model

(The instruction in this tutorial is solely the property of DIY4Pro.com) 

How to Create Simple Shape Cylinder in Fusion 360

To create cylinder, you should know the base shape of cylinder, which is circle. So, click create --> center diameter circle. Input the diameter of the circle.
create diameter circle

Click finish sketch.
finish the sketch

Click the circle shape and click extrude.

Input the height of cylinder. Click ok.
finish creating cylinder

You are finish creating cylinder.

Do you have your books on your shelf challenging to organize? Your books always mess and tumble down every time you add books on it? I have a solution to solve this problem. Why do not you make a bookend with some decorations that you like, for example, from movie props? 


Here I share how to make a bookend inspired by Stargate movie. No more further ado, let's start this project.



For making a 3D Model in Fusion 360, you need to open Fusion 360 software initially. If you have never working with Fusion 360 previously, click here to download it. It is a free trial for not related education or click here for education only. 

When you open Fusion 360, it will direct you to the blank document. Choose the location of the file and save the document.
open fusion 360

save the fusion360

First Portal- Pt.1

For making the first portal, we will work in the sketch area. Select create sketch and choose the plane. Click center diameter circle. For this portal, you will need five circles with the same center point.
create sketch of diameter circle

First Portal- Pt.2

Next, sketch the details of the portal, as shown in the pictures. Use lines for making straight lines and fit point splines for making curve lines. After making all the details, finish the sketch.
sketch the details of the portal

First Portal- Pt.3

Select the sketch and extrude them one by one. Select create pattern and choose circular pattern. Select the pattern type, which is the body. Select the object that you want to make a pattern and the axis for circulating. Lastly, count the number of details that you want to duplicate. In this project, I choose 9 duplicates. Do the same with other patterns. I use 34 duplicates for those.
extrude the portal

Select create pattern and choose circular pattern

made 34 duplicates

Base for first portal- Pt. 1

You need to create the base for the first portal that you already made it previously. You still have to work in the sketch area. Remember to choose the plane correctly. Select the line and make the shape of a trapezoid. Finish the sketch. Extrude it. Back to the sketch area, create another trapezoid and extrude it.

Select the line and make the shape of a trapezoid.

extrude the shape of a trapezoid.

extrude the shape of a trapezoid.

extrude the shape of a trapezoid.

Base for first portal- Pt. 2

Continue to make other details, such as stairs and other details for the base as shown in the pictures. Because all details are rectangular's shape, you can use lines or 2-point-rectangles. After finish sketching, extrude them as you desire.

Continue to make other details

make stairs

finished the stairs

finished the stairs

finished the stairs

finished the stairs

finished the stairs

finished the stairs

Stargate SG1 Atlantis Dial Home Device- Pt. 1

To make this home device, simply sketch a rectangle in the sketch and extrude them. It is for the base. Moreover, use the offset plane and select the plane on the top of the base. Create a center diameter circle and extrude it. Make other details for the home device as shown in the picture.

sketch a rectangle in the sketch

extrude the rectangle

extrude the circle

Make other details for the home device

extrude the details of the home device

Stargate SG1 Atlantis Dial Home Device- Pt. 2

To smooth the details, use fillet and enter the depth of the fillet as you like. Click ok.
Stargate SG1 Atlantis Dial Home Device


Finishing First Portal

Patch the inner circle of the portal. Select the edges that you want to patch and click ok. You are finished with the first portal of Stargate.
Finishing First Portal

Human Figures

The next step is creating human figures. Create these figures in the sketch area by using fit point spline as you like. Extrude it. You need to make 2 full human figures and 2 half-human figures.
creating human figures in sketch

extrude the human figures

cut the human figures in half


Symbols in the Gate Ring

I made symbols using the letter of STARGATE SG-1. In the sketch area, click the area that you want to make the letter. Click create and select text. Enter the letter. Change the height and angle. 

You can change the font style, too as you like. Extrude it. Do with the same step until all the gate rings are covered with a letter.  Extrude them one by one.
create the letter

extrude the letter


This is the advantage of using Fusion 360 when creating 3D Modelling. You can render the models by choosing the materials that you like.
render the model

Second Portal

The second portal is the same as the first one. Therefore, all you need is duplicate the first portal.

duplicate the first portal

Base for Second Portal

The difference with the first portal is only the base. For making the second base, create a sketch. Make some rectangles and triangles for this base. Extrude them one by one. See the pictures for more clarification.

make a rectangle for the base in sketch

extrude the rectangle of the base

make a triangle of the base

sketch the stair

sketch a rectangle for the stair

extrude the rectangle of the stair

sketch the rectangle for the details of the stair

sketch the rectangle for the details of the stair

extrude the rectangle for the details of the stair

extrude the rectangle for the details of the stair

make the steps of the stairs

make the steps of the stairs

make the base


Now it is time to render your final design. Render it with the color that you like. Moreover, you can choose whatever materials you desired.
render the final design in fusion 360

render the final design in fusion 360



Save every part to .stl file and print it. I used white PLA filament for all parts because I want to do some finishing with the print result, except for the Dial home, I used the black PLA Filament.
printing parts

Polishing the printing- Pt. 1

To make the printing is smooth and beautiful, you need to smooth the printing one by one. First, smooth the model by using sandpaper. Start with sandpaper #240,320, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, and 2000.
smooth the printing 

Polishing the printing- Pt. 2

I experienced error in my printing, which is my patching is not printed. I do not know why. Therefore, I made another cylinder and print it with the diameter exactly the same as the hole in the portal. I glue it. After that, give some wood fillers to the printing results to fill the gap in the portal. Rest it until the wood fillers dry for about 30 minutes. Sand it. Remove all dusts and debris from sanding.
error in my printing

give some wood fillers to the printing results to fill the gap in the portal

Polishing the printing- Pt. 3

Now it is time for painting. Take spray paints and paint it with the color of your choice. I use yellow and red paint for the base and green for the people. For the portal, because it is too small and has many details in it, I use a paintbrush to paint it. I use gold, red and blue colors for the portal. 

paint the portal with blue color

paint the portal's detail with red color

finish printing parts

finish printing parts

paint the human figures


Glue all one by one as your design with hot glue.
glue the design

Finish bookend



You are finished with your design and display it by printing them. Now you have one bookend with Stargate decoration on it. Enjoy! I hope you like my tutorial. Thank you for reading mine.

Stargate Bookend

Stargate Bookend

To download the 3D Model, visit:

This project was featured by Instructables.com